Friday, September 07, 2007

First Reactions

My buddy Mike from Orlando posted this on MySpace today. It's been a while since I had done one of those quiz things, so I thought this would be pretty fun.

Okay this is called “FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ”. I have reacted to being sent this by actually filling this out. You have to type the 1ST thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 35 things. You can’t think and go back and change your answers. Copy and Paste, add one to the list, then delete answers to make them your own.

Here we go:

1. Beer: before liquor, never sicker.
2. Anorexic: She's skinny, Amber.
3. Relationships: tough
4. Purple: Hooter Shooter
5. Power Rangers: Isn't one of them doing gay porn now?
6. Weed: Not so much anymore.
7. Steroids: Dick shrinker.
8. Cartoons: Niece and nephew.
9. The President: Hillary.
10. Tupperware: Gotta wash my dishes.
11. Best vacation: Time off
12. Santa Claus: pedophile.
13. Halloween: Good times.
14. Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet.
15. Grammar: Country
16. Facebook: Who?
17. Worst fear: Being lost and alone.
18. Marriage: Ambitious.
19. Paris Hilton: Not a bit of talent
21. Redhead: The Fray, The Weasleys
22. Blonde: Ambition
23. Pass the time: Nap
24. One night stands: Uninterested.
25. Donald Trump: I need some money.
26. Neverland: Finding, Johnny Depp, yay!
27. Pixie Sticks: hate tart candy
28. Vanilla ice cream: only if i can see the vanilla bean specs
29. High School: rotted
30. Work: I heart my new job.
31. Pajamas: only in Winter
32. Woods: Blair Witch Project
33. Wet Sock: Should have worn boots
34. Alcohol: I said no, no, no
35. Love: is a many splendid thing.
36. Sexy: Attitude, Casual Confidence
37: Chewing: Gum. Polar Ice.
38. Dave: Holmes, he's gay.
39. Candy: Mini Peanut Butter cups
40. Drink: Jaeger Mini-Bomb

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