Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sleep is good...

I THINK I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP ON MY SLEEP. This past weekend has just worn my ass out. It seems the entire crew was down and out by 12am last night and didn't do much of anything all day today.

One of the last things I remember was a phone call from Shawnna while Nicole and I were watching the second run of Nip/Tuck over Chocolate Mousse Cake and Strawberry Cheesecake.

(Sidebar: Nicole has temporarily moved in with me while she apartment hunts -- yes, pray for me.)

Shawnna had apparently stumbled on this fascinating show on CourtTV about this trannie, err drag queen that fooled this entire city in Colorado.

Apparently, this queen was able to steal cash, credit card numbers and even identities in this little town and got away with it for quite a while. I guess there weren't any 'mos in this city cause ANY card carrying fag or even lesbian would clock this man-in-a-dress. Even the name she used was overdone, it was something like Storm Ireland (allegedly Kathy's sister). I remember laughing until I teared up as Shawnna and Nicole started analyzing this queen to her cheap, Payless shoes.

Between the cake, cheesecake, sleeping aid(s) and CourtTV, I had some pretty interesting dreams. Thankfully, I can't remember any of them. This morning, err afternoon, Nicole insisted on finding cheap tickets for trips to Colorado. I told her to go back to bed.

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