Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Just Hateful...

PEOPLE GET CRANKY FOR VARIOUS REASONS. I get cranky when I'm exhausted, hungry or too hot. Last night I was exhausted. These party weekends should really stop early Monday morning and pushing it to Monday night is not a good idea -- just for future reference.

So, there I was at Blake's with the usual suspects when I got stuck in a conversation with, well let's call him "Nestea." Usually I can tolerate his bizarre, even obnoxious mannerisms -- the airkissing of both cheeks, the "dah-lings" and that other foo-foo shit. Last night, I just couldn't stomach any of it.

Over Nestea's shoulder, Ashley just kept rolling her eyes which only perpetuated my catty behavior and quips.

Nestea: Arman, why are gay men so hateful?
Me: How do you mean?
Nestea: Well, how are you gonna give someone your phone number when you know they have a boyfriend? And, their boyfriend is standing right there next to you?
Me: I didn't do that.
Nestea: No, not you.
Me: Oh, so it happened to you?
Nestea: Honey, if it happened to me, someone would be getting an ass whooping right now. See, why are gay men so hateful?
Me: I don't know. I don't hang out with people like that.
Nestea: Neither do I.
Me: So, why do you care?
Nestea: I don't.
Me: And, we're having this conversation because...?

At this point Nestea allowed himself to get pushed away by the crowd. Ashley and I had a good laugh.

Under normal circumstances, I probably would have engaged him in conversation on the bad habits of horny gay men. But, last night I was cranky. At the very least, I didn't tell him to fuck off -- that would be hateful.

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