Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Can Ya' Spare A Little Change?

AS THE OLD ADAGE GOES, "when one door closes, a new one opens." In my lifetime, I've learned for this testament to be more true than not. As another old adage goes, "a change will do you good." Yeah, it really can.

The other day I received the news that Guest List would be cut from the pages of David Atlanta. There are several reasons why this came to be -- some I can live with, some just outrage me. In either case, I've learned there's nothing I can do about it.

Quite frankly, it's not worth the effort. If I chose to fight it, this decision would have come despite my best arguments. I'll take comfort in the fact that the ex-club owner that gave the half-truths which were the catalyst to the end of Guest List in David won't be able to succeed in his latest ventures.

To be fair, the option to continue writing features and such was extended, however I chose to be taken off the masthead immediately.

Last night, the crew and I started spreading word that Guest List was cut. The reactions were outrageous. One of my fans (yeah, it still puzzles me to say that I have fans) actually dropped his drink. He was truly gagged. I was pleased that so many people say they only pick up David to read my column and my column alone. I'm not looking for the validation, but it's humbling to know that my talent is appreciated.

I'm delighted to report that Guest List will be back in print at a different home in just a few short weeks. The wheels are well in motion for the move and I can't be more ecstatic. Oh, and quite possibly, I'll be working with my dear friend Chante LaGon again. I love her. She's arguably the best damn editor I've ever worked with. All right, to be totally fair, Chante is neck and neck with TrayB in my book. Both of these word divas have influenced me more than they could ever realize.

Yeah, working with Chante will be like old times. How does that other old adage go? Plus ce change, plus ce meme chose.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, indeed.

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