Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A New Perspective

I've rediscovered a perspective I've long forgotten. So much so, that it could be considered brand new. It's been ages since I've had a real relationship, opting instead to be the toxic bachelor and going about my business without having to answer to anyone or adhering to another person's schedule.

I guess calling whatever it is with JW a "relationship" is premature, but it sure does feel good. Tonight marks a week since we "hooked up." Since then we've spent all but two nights together, seen each other at least for a little bit of time each day. With his bff coming into town, I expect I won't see him as much and he certainly won't be spending the night with the bff staying it his place and all. I'm ok with it, I've got a lot of prep work for the new project on Sunday, but I"m not happy about it. Last night, he stayed home and I tossed and turned for about half an hour before popping a sleep aid. Apparently, he was having the same issue. I woke up to a text sent at almost 2am that read:

Not the same with out you.

Ok, so back to the difference of perspectives. I was at Target last night collecting the necessities that have run dangerously low. You know what I mean - body wash, green tea, saline solution, garbage bags, etc. I was picking up some toothpaste and realized I should go ahead and pick up another SpinBrush for JW so we don't have to switch off the brush heads every night and morning.

When I got home, I was disbursing everything to their proper homes when AM popped by. AM watched as I took the SpinBrush out of the Target bag and was like "did yours break?" I said "no, this is for JW." AM rolled their eyes and said "this is going to get annoying."

Without skipping a beat, I said "I don't give a fuck what you think."

Nice to see some of my old perspective will always survive.

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