Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Reality of Reality TV

Ok, so I'll be the first to admit that I'm a sucker for certain Reality TV shows. I used to religiously watch the Real World, but lost interest shortly after the second go round in New York. By then, a whole new crop of Reality TV shows had come into play and seven strangers no longer interested me despite how hot/chemically imbalanced/confrontational they were.

Now, the new season features the token gay roommate that is hot and chemically imbalanced and confrontational. And, he lives in Atlanta. And, he stops by the club all the time. I, along with the staff can attest to the fact that that he's depicted pretty accurately by the editors of the show. You know the first or second episode where he gets filthy and gets all loud mouthed with his roommates? Yeah, that happened to the staff. Too bad we didn't get a third episode apology.

This made me think about previous Real World token gays and how joyed the staff would be at the sight of Norm, Pedro (yeah, I know, I know), Ruthie, Danny or Genesis. But, no, we get the hot, chemically imbalanced and confrontational one. Great.

You know what? I now realize why the seven strangers no longer interest me. They're assholes.

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