Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So, today has been a source of serious stress. Without revealing too many details - gotta protect the innocent and the assholes you know - there was already a huge fire to put out while playing a pretty intense game of chess. So with extinguisher in one hand, capturing rooks and bishops with the other, I realized another evil force was coming to a boil.

Actually, let me revise, the thought of today was a source of serious stress. As the day progressed I realized my inferno was almost completely extinguished, the first game of chess was almost done and the evil force was actually just a lot of hot air. Yay, me.

Our new "big brother" is actually pretty cool and my first impression, I'm glad to say, was more out of exhaustion, lots of medication and jealousy of his health while I was a walking corpse. So, I take it all back for now. Luckily, I didn't sort that thought out on the blog and opted to keep it in the head. And OP, you can suck it. Play on your side of Midtown and we won't have no problems.

Finally, I think it's funny that my club ended up on the blog I despise - -- Reichen, Davis from Real World Denver and two other unidentified gay men allegedly got on down after they left the club. I really don't give a shit either way, I'm just amused by my club attracting every gay reality tv personality that comes to Atlanta. Bring them on. Although, I really liked Carson the best; he can come back anytime. Oh, and Leslie Jordan, oh wait, he has real talent and wasn't picked as a potential dramatic confrontation.

Life is good. Queen wins the game. CHECKMATE, bitches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly, we need to talk.