Sunday, May 04, 2008


I don't get people. As in "at all."

Yeah, I know. That's nothing new.

Last night, I had the pleasure of crossing paths with a self-loathing 'mo. Most of the time, these people fascinate me. Perhaps, it's the bubble i've built for myself where I'm immune to homophobia. And, before any of you start - my life is pretty much that. I work for a gay owned and operated business. I live a block from 10th and Piedmont, Atlanta's queerest intersection. Yeah, as a society we're heading in the right direction and I'm riding that f'n wave like a bandit.

But, I digress, self-hateration was all up in the dancery and I was less than thrilled. At some point, his drunk ass was just spouting random portions of a sentence, but lacking the cohesive force to make a list of words INTO a sentence. I just calmly looked at him and said "Jar Jar Binks, you wanna ease off the haiku talk?"

He got all kinds of upset. It was explained to me later that my reference of Jar Jar Binks (the GAYest character in Sci-Fi apparently) sent him over the edge. Ok, I realize there's a lot to that equation, but I'll try to keep it to the basics. First off, I called him Jar Jar cause of the manner in which he was speaking, not because of the earrings or fruity talk. Second of all, Dude, you're in a fucking gay bar, get used to the lingo and the quips. It's what we do as a HOBBY. Third, yeah sucking dick and making out with guys pretty much makes you a 'mo. Book the tanning booth and buy the gym membership, you're already there.

Ok, so highlights of this past week:

Starting travel plans to be here.

And here.

And on a few of these dates.

Oh, and I'm still getting yelled at for missing my flight for this.

Sorry boys, I'll so be there next year.

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