Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mmm Hmmmm

So I was having a blue day today. There really wasn't a particular reason for it. Perhaps it was the weather or just my time of the month, who knows?

I decided a little indulgence was in order and hopped in my car to the local Publix. And, before any of you start, they've got great carrot cake and brilliant chicken wings. I rounded up my selections and checked out.

As I was carrying my bag of goodies to my car, I ran across two Publix cashiers on a smoke break. I smiled as they carried on amongst themselves, louder than life and not a care in the world.

One sees me and taps the other one on the shoulder, pointing directly at me.

"Oh girl, he is scary cute."

To which the other girl stares at me and says "scary cute is right, mmm hmmm."

I love Publix.


junk said...

did you say anything back to these cashiers?

Arman R said...

Nope, I just smiled and winked. I have one of those complexes where I don't think a compliment is mine to claim even if the source of said compliment is staring right at me.

Hell, I even did the obligatory look behind me to see who they were talking about.

junk said...

how smooth of you...i guess that give you a more mysterious aura...then that makes your even more scary cute :)