Friday, November 09, 2007

Get On It, Wench

Dear Tyler,

I have successfully comment bombed you on your blog and Ferg's blog. If you're going to be up for hours before Ferg or me, then you better get on it, wench. Please have something clever up on your blog or a witty retort for a previous day's post.

All this "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UP" nonsense is so beneath you. You are, after all, up against my exquisite wit.

Love Always,
The Supreme Master of the Universe (say it with me now)

PS For those of you who do not know the dynamic of our friendship - this is pure sarcasm. Don't think of me as too much of a jackass. Cheers!


Tyler said...

You should feel privledge to receive anything from me at all.

Futhermore, for someone so intent on insulting my "limeyness" sure do say "Cheers" a lot.

Jealously is such an unattractive fragrance on you.

Arman R said...

There you go again. It's a bar and alcoholism thing - not a limey thing.

And, I'm more of a Hugo Boss and Lacoste kind of guy, thanks.

Tyler said...


Arman R said...

In fact, my first exposure to the term Cheers and associating it with a bar was an American show of the same name.

And don't front, you're my age and I know you recall that show as well.

Suck it, limey.

Tyler said...


Arman R said...

::jabs finger down Tyler's throat::