Friday, October 28, 2005

Music: Makes the People...

LAST NIGHT AT THE CABARET, I GOT INTO THIS EXTENDED CONVERSATION WITH THE FORMER LIGHTING GUY OF BACKSTREET ATLANTA ABOUT MUSIC AND ITS CURRENT, SAD STATE ON THE DANCE FLOORS. I reminisced about days gone by and how today's tribal heavy tunes just don't have the same impact as the intricately layered jams of yesterday. We talked about the influence of meth on the BPMs, the demise of vinyl in favor of the MP3, today's DJ/Underwear model and how sex gets the booking over substance. It's all gotten a bit much.

And, just as most music conversations tend to do, we gravitated towards the pinnacle of gay man's music -- the "Diva." While most 'mos are in a tizzy about Madge's new single "Hung Up," I for one, refuse to buy into the hype. Don't get me wrong, I'll be one of a million queers waiting in line to purchase Confessions on a Dance Floor on Nov. 15, but I'm still on the fence. Hopefully, I'll gravitate towards it eventually much like I did "Music" after a few dozen spins. I was suckered into American Life and refuse to let it happen again. It's just sad when the remixes and publicity stunts overshadow the real body of work. Ahem, Damita Jo, anyone?

For now, I'm more than content with Kristine W's latest gem, "I'll Be Your Light" and Deborah Cox's "House Is Not A Home" to satisfy the "Diva" fix. Hell, even Alanis has got it going on with her remake of Seal's "Crazy." Which, by the way, the Eddie Baez Club Mix is to die for.

But, I digress. My point to all this is that music just ain't what it used to be. Will I be the jaded queen sitting there staring at my younger counterparts and rolling my eyes? Probably. Hell, the bitter and eye rolling are already givens. Give me the days of Progressive House a la PVD, Rabbit in the Moon, Sandra Collins, Sasha & Digweed; the days of Breakbeat Electro with Icey, DJ Dan and Hardware; D n' B served fast and furious by Aphrodite, Grooverider and LTJ Bukem. I long for the days when Tribal was something only Danny Tenaglia had trademarked.

Yeah, music makes the people...well, bitter.

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