Monday, July 02, 2007

The jPhone

Ok, you guys have heard me talk about me good friend JD. At any rate, JD is good for quite a few things, one of which is having the most bad ass piece of technology available and having it before anyone else. Yeah, my boy might as well be a Trekkie. At any rate, he had to be the first of the group to have the new iPhone. JUST HAD TO BE.

So, there he is with his brand new 8GB iPhone with over a zillion patents and its exclusive deal with AT&T just thinking he's a pimp. He calls to get the bitch activated, but first they have to deactivate his old phone. Now, before we get to the main punchline of the story, JD is a lot like me in the way that his lifeline is HIS PHONE. Neither of us can survive without it. I mean, I know we're not the only ones, there are plenty of y'all out there that would just turn to dust without the communication device, right?

But, I digress, they deactivate his old phone and then tell him it'll take about 48 hours to activate the new one. GOOKED. That's all I'm saying. They got his ass good. I don't mean to laugh cause that sucks, but something has to be said about the tried and true. I mean, it's not a cliche for nothing. JD said it himself, "I'm sitting here with a $600 paperweight."



Tyler said...

I'm going to take a picture of me pointing and laughing and then send it to him.

Ferg said...

Don't do that, she still doesn't know how to use the phone. That might confuse her and she'll start popping the valium. :)