Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I slept a total of three hours last night. And, no, it wasn't because of a booty call, miscellaneous drug use or anything fun (btw, you guys are jackasses for automatically assuming).

My sleep deprivation was caused by over-thinking, stressing and over analyzing - in short, being a f'n Pisces.

I'm discovering my business sense isn't as gimpy as I originally deemed it, my friends are pretty quick on the uptake and I've never been this absorbed with a concept EVER. I've pretty much drank my own kool-aid. And, yeah, I know how that could come across as an "eww."

It's all good though, at the end of the day (damn you BK for drilling that expression into me brain) it's going to be worth it. There really is no rest for the wicked.

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