Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Relatively Speaking

You know how relatives always tell you that you look like one of your parents? Well, yeah, I get that ALL the time. I didn’t really put much thought into it though and never understood how anyone could think I look similar to my mom or dad. My dad passed away when I was very young (like when I was three) and all I’ve ever seen of him were pictures from the wedding and him playing with me or my brothers. Honestly, I didn’t think I looked anything like him. Sure, some of the features were similar; but nothing to gawk at me for.

When my grandmother passed away, my mother located some pictures of my dad taken when he was around my age (give or take a few years). When I saw the picture, I couldn’t believe my own eyes. I look just like him. It was kind of eerie. Imagine looking at yourself in black and white, not to mention in an outfit or haircut that you couldn't identify. Then, I find out that my dad was a bit of a troublemaker, “mischievous” as my mom put it. I found all of these things fascinating and oddly reassuring. It made me feel better that I inherited my penchant for disregarding rules and wasn’t cursed by some gypsy I had pissed off.

At any rate, here’s his picture. Those that know me will understand my disbelief at this image, for those that don’t know me – I’ve got a pretty good looking dad, yes? Discuss.

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