Sunday, April 09, 2006

I'll take it TO GO

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

Oh yeah? Well, can we speed it up a bit? This one sucks, I think I'd rather start tomorrow.

So, you know that scene in Clueless where Cher and Dionne are trying to comfort Ty in the restaurant after she finds out Elton doesn't actually like her? All of a sudden, "Rolling wit' my Homies" starts playing and she breaks down and starts banging her head against the table screaming and crying that this was "mine and Elton's song!"

Yeah, that almost happened yesterday. With Pearl Jam's "Jeremy." At Vortex. Pathetic.

It gets easier, right?

Class? Anyone? Anyone?

On another note, driving through the Dogwood Festival aka "Straight Pride" (thanks Genre) sucks. Get the fuck out of Midtown and take your inbred baby carrying strollers with you.

I love me some Elephant Ears and Funnel cakes though. Yum.

Hmm, if today is the first day of the rest of my life, then I'm going back to bed. It's nice and warm there. Not to mention no Pearl Jam or straights with baby strollers. I do want another funnel cake though. Extra powdered sugar, please.

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