Sunday, November 20, 2005

Accio Viktor Krum

On Friday, being the big dork that I am, I had to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on its opening day. After calling around, I found a movie companion in Genre. For the record, I adore Genre’s crazy ass – he cracks me up and doesn’t even mean to I don’t think.

For the record, Goblet of Fire was my favorite of all the HP books. I found the movie well for the lack of a better term, rushed. I mean, I totally understand that GOF kicked off Rowling’s mountain troll size books, but if Lord of the Rings can clock in at three hours, why not Harry Potter?

Most of my favorite chapters were condensed into minutes and several of the characters were either afterthoughts or disappeared from the storyline altogether. Where was my Dobby? Why was Sirius completely shut out minus a brief conversation with Harry in the fireplace? Why didn’t they have more emphasis on Rita Skeeter’s busy ass?

Thankfully, it wasn’t as artsy as Prisoner of Azkaban nor as simplified as Sorcerer’s Stone or Chamber of Secrets. It was as dark and creepy as I expected and the computer graphics were definitely top notch. Oh, and Viktor Krum? Yummy, bitches. Genre and I were giddy schoolgirls compared to the giddy schoolgirls we were sitting behind. Sadly, Viktor was fully clothed in all of his scenes with the exceptions of two quick tank top shots. Curses.

Don’t get me wrong, the movie was fantastic and I’ll probably see it two more times in the theatres and buy it the first day it comes out on DVD next year. Yeah, I’m a big dork.

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