Thursday, November 30, 2006

Please Hold for Futher Assistance

Sorry y'all. Things are still kind of hectic and crazy in my life. Transitions tend to be tedious and exhausting, but necessary, you know?

Now, here's a thought for you guys and it's about friendships. True friendships are everlasting and despite the bullshit of life or getting caught up in different directions, true friendships are absolute. I have this one friend whom I just adore and through fucked up circumstances, we had to go our separate ways. Things took their course over a period of a few years and slowly our friendship began anew. On second thought, we picked up right where we left off BEFORE things got crazy. And, I love her even more now.

But I digress, to all the nearest and dearest, please be a little more patient. Things that have been wrong will soon become right and we'll pick up right where we left off. I know, at times, I can be tedious and exhausting, but like transitions, you guys are necessary, you know? Y'all know who you are.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Damn, just got cussed the f-ck out by a dear friend via e-mail. You bastards take drive-by blogs so damn personally.

So, in true I ain’t got time for this shit fashion, here’s a checklist to cover some serious ground in mere seconds.

· WETbar’s Anniversary – Kristine W and Hex Hector, packed house, great time, people were FILTHY

· Moving – new place in Midtown, makes drinking and driving a lot easier. Come to think of it, I’ll simply be drinking and stumbling home

· Truly not a fan of Buzz Magazine; they kinda suck

· Possibly writing a new column for a different magazine; more on this later.

· Drag Idol – I AM the Roaming Reporter, duh. Check out the blog at

· Note to self: You miss Fruitcake Sunday Tea Dances; get off your lazy ass and get to eleven50 for the next one

· I (Heart) my friends.

· I Loathe Politicians.

· Pride lineup, done.

There. Happy?


Stay tuned folks, going through another transitory phase. Life is good; everyone please calm down. If this was a true emergency, I probably would have hit you guys up for some cash.
