Monday, June 26, 2006

Pride, Finito

I made it through another Pride, y'all. I'm way too exhausted to give up some of the funnier stories of the past weekend. However, I will sum up my overall experience with this one little anecdote:

This year I decided to put a contingency plan in place. It was an agreement I had with Shawnna. IF it rains on Sunday, we would not be participating in or watching the Parade. I woke up at 10am on Sunday after getting to bed at oh 5. I looked out my blinds and saw grey clouds. I went back to sleep. Shawnna calls me shortly before 1 -- just as the parade is supposed to begin.

"You still in the bed?"

I barely respond with a "Yeah, you?"

"Oh, you know that. I'm just making sure you held up to your end of the deal."

Yes, ma'am.

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