Sunday, November 25, 2007


So, after Thanksgiving, I've spent the past couple of nights just relaxing by myself. Usually, in one weekend I see an entirely different rotation of friends each day. This past weekend, however - zip.

I think I'm just feeling anti-social. Perhaps it's the Holidays, which always tend to make people feel one way oor the other - no grey areas there.

Either that or it's the Buffy-crack I've been addicted to. You see, I caught one episode on tv and randomly asked my buddy RB a question about the Vampire Slayer. Low and behold, the man has the entire series of Buffy on DVD (and has even given me the Angel crossovers to boot). So one by one, he's been loaning them to me like a Buffy-dealer.

Honestly, the show is really good, a fact backed up by actually ranking in TV Guide's Top 25 Best TV Shows of ALL TIME.

Wow, I'm actually defending my addiction.

A true sign of an addict.

Ok, I'm going back to being anti-social again.


Tyler said...

So have you gotten to the part where Giles and Buffy go on a massive herion binge and then have butt sex?

Arman R said...

Buffy has to be the top.

Tyler said...

Buffy with a strap on

Arman R said...

And a supersize bottle of WET Platinum.

Tyler said...

And a cucumber

Arman R said...

Eww. Talk about a salad shooter.

Tyler said...

A tossed salad shooter