Monday, May 26, 2008

Only Makes Sense After Alcohol

This weekend has been a complete f'n bust. I've had zero interaction with people except via text and phone. Which, is probably for the best considering I don't like people seeing me in a weakened state. Yeah, we'll get to my inferiority complex later. And, yes, my back is still killing me. Thanks for asking!

So, there I was, flat on my back on my living room floor watching SATC dvds in anticipation of the movie. June 30th, y'all - can't f'n wait. At any rate, I haven't had ANY alcohol in the past four days so this moment of clarity bullshit is getting hella-annoying.

Tone: Trina's "Pull Over"

Me: Heya sugar. What's up?

ATPTI (Anonymous to Protect The Innocent): I just passed your aparrrrtment - I'm drunk! Is your back betterrrrr? Come with meeee!

Me: Oh yeah? Where you heading? And, no my back isn't feeling better so I'm not leaving my house.

ATPTI: I'm on my way to Operaaaaaaa! OUCH!

Me: What the fuck? Honey, what happened?

ATPTI: I fell. I'm bleeding.

Me: Will you get your drunk ass over here then? You shouldn't be walking around Midtown and we'll put a f'n band-aid on your cut.

ATPTI: It's not bleeding thaaaaat much. I'm going to Operaaaaa!

Me: You said that already. And, umm why?

ATPTI: I couldn't be around (insert ATPTI's BFF) anymore; he was chasing after some guy and he deserves better!

Me: So you decided to walk your drunk ass to Opera?

ATPTI: Yeah, there's a guy there I want to ignooooooooore.

Me: I need more pain pills.

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