Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Goodbye, My Love

So, last year, E and DJ KC went with me to Orlando for a couple of days just to get away. It was fun as hell and filled with shopping, fine-ish dining and drinking. Yes, lots of drinking.

On one of our shopping expeditions, we ran across a PUMA Outlet. Now, I heart me some PUMA. I heart it more than most people. I found this really cool limited edition pit crew mechanic's shirt in charcoal that I needed in my life. It has been my favorite shirt since I brought him home with me.

The other week, I was lunching with the Fratypus and knocked a fork off the table. I brushed against the side of the table that had some blue cheese dressing that fell off the little cup it came in. I thought, eh, I'll just throw it in the wash and call it a day. THREE F'N washes later and the stain is still there. Even Wet Platinum doesn't make such a stain. Blue Cheese dressing ruined my favorite shirt, my poor limited edition pit crew mechanic's shirt in charcoal.

My world has come to an end. The preciously cute highlight of my wardrobe can no longer be seen out in public. He'll be demoted to the chillin' around the house portion of my closet. It's so sad. Can he get a moment of silence please? It's just an atrocity, an abomination, a brutality to let go of such cute fashion. He was so good to me.

I guess it's a good thing I also bought it in sky blue.


Ferg said...

Have you tried the following combo?

Zout - South of the boarder stuff, but great.
Shampoo - Detergent got rid of the suds they used to have. The suds action lifts the spots.
And liquid soap - cuts through grease.

I'm sure you already dried the shirt, you may already be screwed.

Arman R said...

It's line dry only so it has never seen the inside of a dryer!

Shampoo? Really? Ok, Head & Shoulders or J&J Baby Shampoo?