Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Dear Genre, Ain't It Funny?

It's all in perspective, I guess.

In your reality: It's a career change.
In everyone else's reality: It's a termination.

In your reality: It's only a couple hundred dollars here and there.
In everyone else's reality: From misdemeanor to felony.

In your reality: Why does their problems become my problems?
In everyone else's reality: "I really want this position as MC, I feel it's my responsibility to step up to the plate as the company's senior manager."

In your reality: "Genre got in my face and screamed at me; I will not be treated this way."
In everyone else's reality: More than two people, including me, watched you step up to Genre and provoke him until he was cornered by the sink and had to scream for you to leave him alone.

In your reality: It's a sponsorship for an upcoming pageant.
In everyone else's reality: So, why is it going in your purse?

In your reality: It's change for the bartenders downstairs.
In everyone else's reality: The dope delivery has arrived and I don't have cash!

In your reality: Big Daddy, JN was just someone in your way.
In everyone else's reality: You tried to get us to get in on your scheme, we pretended that conversation never happened. JN lowered the boom on ya' didn't he? Ha.

In your reality: You're Charlie Brown.
In everyone else's reality: Hiring the cast SHE put together and racial insults on the microphone does NOT make you Charlie Brown - just a cheap imitation.

In your reality: Hiring Burkhart's old management was a spiteful move towards M.E.P. and showed everyone you have all the power.
In everyone's reality: They clocked your shadiness and cost you your gig. It's almost a cliche', but funny as fuck.

In your reality: You solidified your spot in ATL night life history.
In everyone else's reality: As a fired embezzler.

And, for anyone that questions my decision to post this - read it again.

Love Always,

1 comment:

imdavidk said...

Wow... And so goes the saga that was Ruby Redd. "Get on the bus!"