Monday, August 06, 2007


Say it with me, class. I'm conflicted. Again. So, today has been pretty interesting - I've gotten a lot of work/laundry done waiting on a package that never arrived, but you can't cry over spilled porn. (Long story and before any of y'all start - it's for work, no seriously. Hello, Thursday night is porn night - ahh, now you get it. Moving on...)

So, Ferg may not be moving to London. Part of me is jumping up and down with glee, yet part of me is sad for him because it's something he truly wanted. That same sad part is also gloomy because Tyler could use some "back home" love. See my confliction? I couldn't imagine what he's going through, but I will be there to happily fulfill my obligatory duties as his friend to kick back some shots and watch as he plays pool with the finesse of a sledgehammer.

I'm also pretty conflicted about other things. I'm second guessing some things right now and wondering if I made the right decisions. Yeah, that's the downside of being a Pisces - you analyze everything from every direction. Over and over. And then, you feel guilty about it. Or sad. Or happy. Or indifferent. But, hardly ever happy or enthusiastic.

Yeah, it's the word of the day and it seems to be spreading. Rapidly.

Uggh, not good.


Tyler said...

Sadly, it might be for the best. The way its looking... I'll probably be home by April.

Ferg said...

Occasionally I do have some athletic prowess. Granted pool isn't that stenuous but I can knock some balls around when I want too.

Arman R said...

No wonder you're single.

Ferg said...

I tried, got played, and burned! Everybody line up, my show is about to start! If I do move to London, I'm going to have some fun before I leave and watch the fireworks go off!

Arman R said...

You don't knock balls around. You have to be gentle. Otherwise, it HURTS. Or, you never get one in the pocket.

Bad boy Ferg, now there's a concept.